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What is the Facebook community, Winning Type 2 Diabetics Together?Updated a year ago

Curalife created Winning Type 2 Diabetes Together because we kept hearing the same thing over and over - that there was a lack of support for type 2 diabetics. We wanted to change that; to unite everyone in one place, so they could openly share and connect over the things we all go through. Lift each other up when we are down, celebrate the wins and yes, even make new friends along the journey!

Winning Type 2 Diabetes Together was made by diabetics, for diabetics as a closed, and private space where we feel comfortable talking about uncomfortable topics. It’s a space where you can be you.

If you get one useful piece of advice, one single tasty recipe, the feeling like you are not alone when you are down, then we’ve done our job as a community, because that’s why we exist! 

We can't wait to see you there, click here to join.

We hope you learn valuable information and gain the support from a truly one of a kind community!   

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